Please Help, Piranha Ran Into Wall And Now Has A Wound


Mostly New Member
Nov 17, 2015
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OK so my piranha was out in the open in my 75 gallon tank. When walked in my room he freaked out and rammed right into the glass, hard. He seems to be feeling fine but has piece of skin between it's nostrils that is barely hanging on showing some flesh, there are about 2 1/2 dozen other really small fish in the tank as well. I don't have another tank large enough to temporarily house him. The piranha is roughly 6-7 inches long or so, pretty stocky, and still has good color. What should I do, I might be able to get a pic upon request. The fish is not very photogenic tho.
For the moment, keep the water very clean; if it's a minor wound then it might heal up on its own, but keep an eye out for secondary infections, like fungus, which will need treating.
fluttermoth said:
For the moment, keep the water very clean; if it's a minor wound then it might heal up on its own, but keep an eye out for secondary infections, like fungus, which will need treating.
Thanks for the reply I seems to be a very shallow minor wound and ik piranha have a tough immune system BC of the environment the naturally live in but there is always that possibility. Day three of the injury doesn't seem like any change but just the peeled skin slowly falling off
This is a pic of the fishes injury


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Update, piranha has fully recovered with a nice black scar right in the middle of his face. all is well with no secondary infections

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