Platys Changing Sex?


New Member
Sep 27, 2012
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Swindon, Wiltshire, Uniter Kingdom
My male platy has suddenly developed a gravid spot he has puffed up a lot as well if you we're to look at him quickly you would think he was a female but he definitely is a male. Is it possible for them to change sex? Or is something actually wrong with him? Helppppp?,
:hi: to the forum, Shmoxy.

It's not possible for them to change sex, no. Sometimes it appears that a female has become male, but they're just late developers.

If it's very swollen, it sounds more like it might have dropsy, especially if the scales are sticking out at all. Dropsy isn't an actual diseases, it's a symptom, a bit like 'stomach ache' in humans would be.

I'd afraid once the fish start swelling up, it's very hard to cure them although you could try salt baths (one tablespoon of salt; epsom or aquarium salt, not table salt! to five gallons of water) for half an hour each day.

The bigger problem is finding out what's made the fish sick in the first place; how big is your tank, how long has it been set up and is it cycled?
I've had dropsy In a tank years ago and it's nothing like that. I have other pregnant female platys and he honesty looks identical to the females. He also has what looks like a gravid spot just like the other females. By he is defiantly male with the tubular fin.

He is happy swimming around as normal eating as normal so nothing unusual there.

Mt tank is 78litres and is fully cycled and has been set up for about 2 years this is the first sign of trouble
I have a female that i had gotten a week ago and she shows no gravid spot. She also is shaped kind of like a male where she is not plumping up at all but staying a fit thinner fish. Her anal fin has not changed at all and shows no sign of thickening in the first few spines. My one male also flares a bit next to her ans has chased her away before like he does to the other male. He has since stopped and no longer treats her as a msle but.......i think i have a hermaphrodite fish! Maybe you too? Lol.
O my gosh! Maybe we do have hermaphrodite fish! He has squared off as well now which makes me think if he was a female he would be getting ready to have the babies. This is so confusing !
By chance can you take a picture and post it? Id love to take a look!
Agreed! It's either a pregnant female or a sick male; no livebearer can have a gonopodium and produce fry, but we'd need to see a pic to decide.

You'll need to upload your pic to a hosting site, like Photobucket or Flickr, and put the IMG code in your post :good:

First time of doing it so let me know if the link works. Bit of a grainy picture blame the iPad but you can still see the dark spot and how puffy he is.
ya idk you shpould just watch him and see if flexs it if it does its a boy also he may just have eaten alot of food if possible just fast him for 1 day
I have the same thing happening to my only male right now. He's squared off, and his belly looks identical to my pregnant female's. :blink:
He does look your's except he's more squared off in the back. I feed them twice a day, but I've cut back on the amount. I had a Betta with dropsy, and it doesn't look like that, so it's a mystery :blink:

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