About 2-3 weeks ago I bought some discount (cant pass up 50% off) plants at petsmart and stuck them down in the gravel. Now, I'm not so delusional as to think they would burst into this healthy giant plant that my fish can enjoy... but they don't exactly seem to be growing much. The leaves aren't dying, and they aren't being pecked at by my fish, I just don't see any new ... anythings. BUT, they are reproducing like CRAZY. These little root bulbs start to fuzz up on the leaves, then they start sprouting little green stems. It's really neat.
Anyways, just wondering.. is that normal? I can try to take a picture if you guys need to see the plants types. I really don't remember what they are...
Anyways, just wondering.. is that normal? I can try to take a picture if you guys need to see the plants types. I really don't remember what they are...