Plants Rotting In Betta Bowl

Mark Z.

Fish Crazy
Jul 9, 2010
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Hi all,
So, I am having a problem with my plants in my betta bowl.
I had a two-gallon glass bowl with an aponogena (sp?) ball plant in it that was doing great for six months. Some leaves melted at first, but not all, and it came back nicely. I gave that to my nephew for Christmas with a new betta.
I put my betta in a four-gallon plastic bowl, which I don't like as much so I ordered a glass one that will arrive later next week.
I put a great-looking aponogena ball, a red arrowhead-shaped leaf bulb plant and and anubia tied to a small piece of driftwood in the bowl, along with some gravel. It really looked cool for two weeks. Then the water started to stink! And all the stems on the aponogena ball melted. A film formed over everything in the bowl. My nerite snail also died, and I removed it immediately.
Turns out, the bulb plant had two extra rotting bulbs attached to it. I removed them, cut back the aponogena to nothing but the ball, and of course, changed the water.
The bowl still stinks today. The anubia fell apart to nothing; the rhizome was mushy. I took all the plants out. I do a water change a few times a week. The aponogena ball and what is left of the bulb plant stink bad.
Can I start over with new plants? Am I doing something wrong? The bowl sits near a window in my office and gets plenty of indirect light and light from the lights in the room. I had no problem at all before with the old bowl and plant. I'm kind of baffled. I'm new to aquarium plants.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. This bowl is on my desk in the front window of our office, so I want it to look nice.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Do these bowls have... Filters or heaters? Any living life needs life support weather that be a filter or heater.
Also, Weekly water changes are recommended, I feel this isn't being done and still water over time can smell pretty bad...

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