Plants For A Nano Tank

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Jan 6, 2013
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Hi all,
Firstly I hope this is the right place, I didn't know if it should go here of in the nano section.
So... I'm going to be setting up a nano tank soon and I'm looking for some suggestions for what plants to put in there.
I want some java fern and some sort of anubia but I need a plant that I can actually plant in the substrate.
I want it to be rather heavily planted.
I was wondering if I could have some amazon sword but I'm not sure if it will be to big for my tank or not-my tank is only 21 Litres.
I will be using LED lights although I'm not sure how many watts I will get as I need to have a look at my LFS to see what they have.
What fertiliser would be best? I won't be using CO2.
Thank you if you can answer any of my questions! :)

Oh this is my tank:
id say a sword would get to big, i think there are smaller types out there, but why not try a crypt? theres lots of them and they look great IMO,  you may not need ferts, it all comes down to your lights more like = faster photosynthesis = need more ferts to let it grow
Yeah I was thinking the same about the sword.
Thanks for mentioning the crypts... They look great and I will almost definitely have them (providing my LFS sells them)! :)
Check out my sig, that might give you some inspiration. With regards to lights, I'd recommend TMC Mini 400 + Mountaray bracket. These are really good lights and if you shop around, you can pick up the light + bracket for about £60-80. 

So far my Ludwiga Repens Rubin is growing the most, seems like a very hardy plant. There's different variants of Hydrocotyle, not sure which mine is, I think it's the Japanese variety. I have some and it's coming a long nicely.
Jaeger5 that's an interesting read but a good one! :)
The Ludwiga Repens Rubin's are interesting but I don't know if I want to add red into my tank, I think it would look better with just different shades of green but I'll definitely remember it in case I ever do want to add in more colour. :)
I'll see if I can find that light. Not sure what that would exchange to in NZ money but it looks quite expensive which may be a hold back for me as I'm on a bit of a budget. :/
Thanks for the help and I definitely be following your High Tech Nano Journal. :)

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