Plant Recommendations?


Mostly New Member
May 29, 2015
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i have a 20 gallon freshwater aquarium, currently populated with a few mollies and a handful of platies, and i was interested in getting live plants. does anyone have any recommendations? i was looking at water wisteria, it seems like a good plant and it's pretty.
What's your water hardness? Some plants like different water.
I am going to assume you have moderately hard or harder water--you better, or your mollies will not be around long--and suggest Vallisneria.  The small-sized corkscrew Vallisneria is undemanding but does extremely well in livebearer tanks because it loves harder water.  It will send out runners everywhere.
Wisteria does look lovely, but being a stem plant is very fast growing and this means regular pruning/trimming to keep it in check.  Lower leaves tend to die off as the plant reaches the surface and spreads across it (if not trimmed).  I prefer more "stable" lower plants like the Vallisneria.
My recommendation would be to try a few different plants and see what works in your tank.  Some people have better luck with certain plants than others.  For example, I have hard water but vallis dies in my livebearer tank...!
If you like the look of water wisteria then try it and see.  Some others to consider trying are anubias, java fern, java moss and vallis as mentioned above.  I also had success with hygrophila polysperma and cryptocoryne beckettii, although H. polysperma is banned in certain parts of the US so may not be available to you.

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