My LFS has a large planted tank purely for plants with maybe 30 species of plants. Upon asking 'The Guy' what these guys were, tucked all the way in the bottom corner behind some ferns, he gave me a bewildered look and began running his finger along the diff. species scientific name tags on the front of the tank, attempting to sound out the genus' of each, followed by what should of been his first response, an "I don't really know". He did give them to me for the lowest priced tag on the tank, with some prices climbing pretty high (i hope they are something more expensive)!!
http/ here is a picture of it, has really nice marbling, and fuzzy roots growing all the way up the stem. Also, the parts not getting high light are browning slightly, is it safe to say this type of plant requires high light, and should I co2 the tank for these and the fern i have in the corner?
Any information would be great, thanks!!!
http/ here is a picture of it, has really nice marbling, and fuzzy roots growing all the way up the stem. Also, the parts not getting high light are browning slightly, is it safe to say this type of plant requires high light, and should I co2 the tank for these and the fern i have in the corner?
Any information would be great, thanks!!!