Does anyone know if i could have one in my 20 gallon tank, with my german blue ram cichlid and gold ram cichlid? If they eat all the algea, will they eat flake food?
2o gallons is fine, they eat mostly algae but do eat some flake leftovers (mine did anyway). Sweet little fish but they definately need a well cycled tank and don't do at all well in a new set up. I would say the tank should heve been up and running for at least 6 months.
alright, thanks, my tank has been running fir about 5 years with 2 convicts, but i gave them away(about a month ago) to add the german blue ram and gold ram
If you can find a male and female, you could keep a pair with your rams. Check out to see how to sex them. If you're interested that is.