Is it a predatory fish you after? And a shoaling (group) fish? Or would you rather a single predictor? Community fish?
Iv owned a few other predictors apart from the piranhas. Iv owned rainbow snakeheads (dwarf snakeheads) which get to around 7-8 inches and a pair would be good for the tank you posted, bichirs like senegals, delhezi and most recently an ornate. Iv had a Lima shovelnose catfish but that tank wouldn't be big enough. Iv also had numerous South American and Central American cichlids such as dovii, jaguar, red terror, red devil, jack Dempsey, firemouth, jewels, severums, oscars, Texas and now I have a blue Thai silk flowerhorn.
My flowerhorn is the only fish I have in my 5 foot 450 litre. He is around 3 1/2 inches at the moment and I'd say is the meanest iv owned at the current size. Again the 330 litre tank you posted would be good for a single flowerhorn.
As tcamos said, there are many fish to choose from. Some with more personality than others, some also known as "wet pets" such as oscars and flowerhorns amongst others. My FH recognises me and goes mad if I walk up to the tank. He also does funny summersaults to get my attention

what I would do is visit some fish stores and make a list of the fish u like the look of then ask questions about them on here or do some research on various other sites to see if they go together or if they are good for your tank and their need/requirements and so on