Pin Tail Guppy

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Livebearer Specilest
Nov 12, 2006
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One of my pin tail guppies.

Never seen one like this before, very nice!
I'll be honest, I got bored of keeping guppies years ago... however that is a nice looking fish! Did you breed it yourself or is it bought?
Fish48....... you already have pair! cant you breed them!
Lunar Jetman.... I got him at a Guppy specialist auction, I have a few fry but very hard to find another male as good.
You had them last time I popped over, what did you do? I'll make sure you get some from my next batch of fry
0ne day i will pop  over to see your new fish house and take a look at some of your wonderful  guppies  
do you know of any one that are still keeping the original green lace,
lol.  diazi had Another 8 fry, and Abraham Gonzales is due to drop soon.
 locations for you  
goodea atripinnis lago patzcuaro,  Xenotoca eiseni granja sahuaripa, and Skiffia multipunctata lago de camecuaro,

fish48 keep away from the guppies and keep breeding proper fish
I'm considering breaking down my cichlid tank an gettin some guppies in.
I am new to guppies and I probably wouldn't know if this is normal or not. But why is it that all the guppies that they sell in the stores with fancy tail types have endler patterns?
ricefish said:
fish48 keep away from the guppies and keep breeding proper fish
Ricefish I am trying my best to keep away from guppies  I wonder if there be any nice guppies at the auction lol.

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