
I think this video was made to be "Funny". A spoof if you will. These contraptions are not sold in the US as far as I know and even if they were, no one in there right mind would pay $17,000 for one!! That's absurd. If it were to somehow show up here, animal advocates and peta would go nuts. It's a cruel devices and you can see that by the movie. However, I doubt it is real. No sense getting all your hackles up about it! :good:

I will agree with KJ that some cats do need bathed and for that matter some don't mind. After working at a vet clinic for 3 years I saw my fair share of cats that needed baths! We also had a groomer on site who was wonderful working with them!

Yes, I find it's quite easy if you do it the right way, just throwing a cat in a sink wouldn't work. :good: Maybe it's because my kitty has been raised from kittenhood for bathes, but I had an older cat my sister trained and by the time she was a senior, geez, she just sat in there. :lol:
That was so obnoxious, I actually thought it was a joke at first. But, unfortunately it totally makes sense that somebody out there in this wide, wide, world of ours would be too lazy to wash their cats themselves. :rolleyes: Now, to dish out $17,000-$22,000 for a machine to do it for you, you would have to be an imbecile. But, wait, that would be offending true imbeciles everywhere, so I take that back.

I bathe my cat on a regular basis, I need to control her dander for my allergies, and she is also a long-hair (Turkish angora), so the coat needs the upkeep. It certainly isn't hard, and it takes me no more than 30 minutes, drying and brushing included. She sits there patiently until she's done, like the lady she is. Then she gets her treat and purrs all day long, because she feels like a little princess. Spends the rest of her day parading around the house with her "aren't I just the lovliest cat in the universe?" look. She's so very, very vain and hates to be dirty.
i believe that the machine is intended to be installed at a LPS and then customers pay each time they want to use it, much like a washing machine at a laundromat.
I'd like to throw a plugged in hairdyrer in it ..........SICK! That made me very angry watching that. If someone did that to my cat I'd break their neck and gladly spend my time in Jail! It would be worth it!

I watched it but I kept thinking it will be over soon and it just went on forever! Even a sink bath traumatizes a cat. I am very gentle with mine when doing it and lets face it cats do not need a bath that often. I might do mine once a year before treating for fleas. It's not a necessary situation to put a cat in. They are not worth the bullet it would take to blow out their own brains.
my computer wouldn't load the page, but if it's the same as this one petspa - youtube then i think the problem was the person was just plain misinformed. The folks at the petshop said it was fine, and let's face it, the number of people who know not to trust pet store employees is greatly outnumbered by those who don't. They even said in their comments that they won't ever being using it again, so lesson learned. How many people have kept three goldfish in a bowl on the advice of their LFS? This isn't any different, except that it pertains to a cute fluffy mammal. To the people with the bowl of fish we say "get those fish in a tank, and here's why", to this person we say "You have no right to own an animal"? That's not right.
:blink: how stupid is that pet spa thang... that cat could got water down it's ears :X and saw some comments on youtbe who actually found that funny?!?!?!?!?! sick idiots... some people are so disturbed :angry:
This thing IS real.....

However i highly suspect it was intended for dogs, not cats.

Still wouldnt put a dog in one either mind you! I think the idea probably came from groomers drying cabinets and some bright spark thought why not have a wash box AND drying cabinet in one.

Putting a cat in that is just plain sick and i do hope the cat scratched them all when he/she got out.
"The Pet Spa Cabin has been very popular in Europe and is quickly “catching onâ€￾ in the United States." from the above link.

So it was not our idea HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to bathe the inventers face with some paint thinner and a blow torch
Rule number one in one of the links:

"# You must STOP a Pet Spa cycle if a pet shows signs of distress while in the Pet Spa."

Huh. :huh: Yeahhhh, they really did that!

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