Pearl Gourami

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The Duke

Fish Crazy
Mar 24, 2012
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Anyone have pearl gouramis? My male is spending a lot of time at the top of the tank seems to be gulping for air on the surface. He is feeding ok but worried he is sick. Anyone got any suggestions?
Anyone have pearl gouramis? My male is spending a lot of time at the top of the tank seems to be gulping for air on the surface. He is feeding ok but worried he is sick. Anyone got any suggestions?

That sounds normal to me but mine do frequent all areas of the tank. I have 2 airstones that I sometimes shut off completely, every couple of days or so. From what I understand, having a filter outlet that dumps water from a distance to create more of a disturbance in the top water actually aerates the water better than airstones & bubblers. I usually keep my water level low enough to allow for this. You can actually see the bubbles being created from the outlet and the sound will be more of a trickling.

What size tank? What are your parameters? What other fish are in the tank?
190 litre tank. 0 nitrite 20 nitrate and 0.25 ammonia. I know the ammonia should be zero but I tested straight from the tap yesterday and got 0.25!! Weekly water changes about 30% other tank mates are platies, tetras, guppys and corys.
190 litre tank. 0 nitrite 20 nitrate and 0.25 ammonia. I know the ammonia should be zero but I tested straight from the tap yesterday and got 0.25!! Weekly water changes about 30% other tank mates are platies, tetras, guppys and corys.

What kind of Tetras & how many? Are the Platys large & who rules the tank?

You can reduce the ammonia with extra water changes, until the good bacteria can keep up. What dechlorinator do you use if any? Another way to keep ammonia down is to add a lot of plants. They consume nitrates and some ammonia.

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