New Member
Hi is there anyone who can help? I recently got a peacock eel to add to my tropical tank , ive always wanted an eel and the peacock eel was a perfect fit aa they don't grow massively big lol so for nearly a week everything was fine only saw him at night most of the time ( which is normal for an eel) , anyway a week after getting him i fed him a earth worm , he ate it lol but after eating it , it kinda sent hime into a frenzy he was constantly swimming around day and night trying to find more , the next morning i did my usual tank maintance but i couldn't see him so i started taking everything out to find him , i was clueless as to where he was , i had opened the fish tank stand to get to the filter , and there he was behind the filter i was horrified and really upset that i wasnt awake to save him , i know eels are great at escaping but i didnt think he would be able to in my tank the only way i think he escaped is on the back of my lid, there are 2 small holes each end for the pipes for filter , he must of escaped from there i really want to make my tank eel safe before i purchase another i don't want to go through finding this beautiful eel dead again , how can i safety make it eels safe to cover up holes where the pipes go?