Paradise Fish And Black Skirt Tetras?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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I was wondering how Paradise Fish get along with Black Skirt Tetra's? At the moment we have 3 paradise fish in the family tank (65 gallon) which has mostly larger fish apart from 2 bleeding heart tetras (which dont seem to bother them). I wanted to put one of them in my 27 gallon which current has White Cloud Mountain Minnows and Black Skirt Tetra's, but im worried they will fight. Can anyone tell me if this combination might work? From what ive seen the paradise fish havent been aggressive with any of the other fish in the tank, although 2 of them sometimes have a bit of a squabble with one another. I do know if they are males or females, as I guess females would be more peaceful?
Well i read up that paradise fish can bully smaller fish by bumping into them or taking a bite out of them. How big do the white skirt tetras grow as paradise fish grow to 10cm and should stay with big sized fish
Well i read up that paradise fish can bully smaller fish by bumping into them or taking a bite out of them. How big do the white skirt tetras grow as paradise fish grow to 10cm and should stay with big sized fish

Ah right I see, Black Skirts get around 2 - 2.5 inches iirc.

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