Painting My Tank


Mostly New Member
Feb 19, 2014
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While trying to put my background on tonight I couldn't get it tucked into the frame and tore it. I just decided to paint it black. I am going with black sand for substrate so figured black would be the way to go. Plus I'm going with bright colored fish so I want them to "pop" in the tank. Would I need special paint for glass? Do I need primer? How many coats do I need? Do I get a gallon and roll it on or can I use spray paint? I have a 29 gallon tank.
Recently painted my 29g... I prefer it painted over the plastic background (have both kinds) . I used a left over can of black acrylic paint. It was a quart or so left and i used a small foam roller, it took 3 coats till perfect for me. And about 1-2 hour dry time in between since light would shine through the first 2 coats using a flash light. Just have patience useful with over spray if using spray paint it gets every where. I didn't tape anything when rolling mine on, I did get some paint iton the black trim.....but yea its facing the wall.
I've used spray paint and acrylic.  I keep putting coats on until I can put a flashlight behind it and can't see the light from the front.
Spray gives i nicer finish i believe (tried brush and roller, not keen on those)
I get newspaper and tape and paper off any areas i dont want the paint & then I do many thin coats til i get to where no light shines through.
Spray paint is not a possibility, I have decided to go with a sponge roller and a flat black latex exterior paint. I'm just worried that with a roller there may be an area by the frame that doesn't get painted. If any one has experience with a roller, how do you make it to where there are no cracks at the top of your tank where the glass meets the frame? I plan on starting this project tomorrow.
Use a brush to push the paint up or down into the gap between frame and glass. Paint brush, roller, spray can all give exactly the same finish on the reverse of a sheet of glass providing coverage is adequate in the form of enough coats. Good old black board paint is my favourite and if you need to change it for what ever reason it's possible to scrape it off relatively easily with a ceramic hob scraper.
KirkyArcher said:
Paint brush, roller, spray can all give exactly the same finish on the reverse of a sheet of glass providing coverage is adequate in the form of enough coats. 
Problem for me is i want both sides of the glass to have a nice finish because i do the sides also and these are seen :)
ive always used a brush and whatever paint i could pick up cheap from the shops - depending on the type the more coats you need - just tried to make a neat job of it and its looked ok :) 
I got it done today and I'm pleased with the results. I just can't wait to get it set up. Here are some progress pics.
Pic 1. Supplies
Pic 2. First coat
Pic 3. Second coat
Pic 4. Third coat
Pic 5. Fourth and final coat
Pic 6. A shot from the front with the hood light on






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