Oxford Aquatic Stores?


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Hey all you Oxford peeps - Is there any good aquatic stores in Oxford ?? especially for cories :hey: :lol:

I'm up there Tuesday & wednesday next week for work :)
Maidenhead Aquatics @ Oxford (Wheatley) its actually just outside Oxford but no horrible one way roads :p

Bet loads of people will say The Goldfish Bowl, I'd say go... its an experiance.... personally I wouldnt take any fish off them if they paid me to :shifty: and I certainly wouldnt want any advise off them. I've been there a lot of times and its always the same.

Can't tell me about the species that they have (which are generally very good!) and downright try to blag their way with answers when they dont know. Like when i made it appear i was interested in marines, i asked about fish and got incorrect sizes, temperments and requirements for all of Nemo's gang and was then told that a box fish would stay the size of a sugar cube and not get bigger. :blink:

Dont get me started on the freshwater fish *sigh*. However... just for a nosey around... you could spend hours in there. Just a shame its the kinda shop you an spend hours in and not speak to anyone or buy anything :rolleyes:

I went in with £300 in my pocket too to get a nice L number plec if they had one and some discus. Didnt buy anything though.

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