Hey all,
a few of you will have seen me post in the various question threads as I basically knew nothing when starting this project lol but for those of you that hasn't myself and my girlfriend decided what we wanted to set up a freshwater tank so I figured I'd write this journal as I've found a lot of useful information on this forum
So after much deliberation we decided on this tank because we found an expired offer in PetsAtHome and they apparently have to sell at that price even if it's expired but still advertised at that.
We got the tank and stand for like £140 so was a great steal!
We decided to start a fishless cycle and it just went horribly! Basically we discovered that we didn't have enough initial bacteria in the tap water to start a cycle, after weeks of levels not dropping at all I started looking at store bought bacteria to start the cycle. My LFS recommended a product called "Special Blend", and I found that this product is AMAZING! It immediately started breaking down the ammonia into nitrite and a few days later the nitrite into nitrate. It is amazing stuff and I would recommend it to anyone! Anyway, a few more weeks down the line and with the help of Special Blend, my tank finally arrived at "cycled".
Today we went to the LFS to get our first batch of fish, we had the guy who owns the store test the water just to ensure all was well and with his approval we bought 10 neon tetras and 5 platys.
Here are some pictures of the first set of fish we purchased. I should say we decided to go with fake plants to first as I wanted to just focus on getting the water right for fish first and decided I'd attempt to plant it after Xmas.
Our tetras:
A couple of the platys:
A bunch of the fishes around this gorgeous fake wood/plant we found:
The tank overall:
So yeah, it's nothing "AMAZING" like the 1000gal tank but we love it and felt we should share with you all as you guys have helped us a lot throughout the cycle etc.
We will be getting more fish over the next few weeks aiming at peppered corys, red cherry shrimp and a betta (of the fighting fish variety) and I'll post more pictures with each addition.
Thanks all and I hope you enjoy the pics.
a few of you will have seen me post in the various question threads as I basically knew nothing when starting this project lol but for those of you that hasn't myself and my girlfriend decided what we wanted to set up a freshwater tank so I figured I'd write this journal as I've found a lot of useful information on this forum

So after much deliberation we decided on this tank because we found an expired offer in PetsAtHome and they apparently have to sell at that price even if it's expired but still advertised at that.

We got the tank and stand for like £140 so was a great steal!
We decided to start a fishless cycle and it just went horribly! Basically we discovered that we didn't have enough initial bacteria in the tap water to start a cycle, after weeks of levels not dropping at all I started looking at store bought bacteria to start the cycle. My LFS recommended a product called "Special Blend", and I found that this product is AMAZING! It immediately started breaking down the ammonia into nitrite and a few days later the nitrite into nitrate. It is amazing stuff and I would recommend it to anyone! Anyway, a few more weeks down the line and with the help of Special Blend, my tank finally arrived at "cycled".
Today we went to the LFS to get our first batch of fish, we had the guy who owns the store test the water just to ensure all was well and with his approval we bought 10 neon tetras and 5 platys.
Here are some pictures of the first set of fish we purchased. I should say we decided to go with fake plants to first as I wanted to just focus on getting the water right for fish first and decided I'd attempt to plant it after Xmas.
Our tetras:

A couple of the platys:

A bunch of the fishes around this gorgeous fake wood/plant we found:

The tank overall:

So yeah, it's nothing "AMAZING" like the 1000gal tank but we love it and felt we should share with you all as you guys have helped us a lot throughout the cycle etc.
We will be getting more fish over the next few weeks aiming at peppered corys, red cherry shrimp and a betta (of the fighting fish variety) and I'll post more pictures with each addition.
Thanks all and I hope you enjoy the pics.