Orange Eyes?


New Member
May 25, 2012
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Philippines ;)
Greeting all. I've noticed that the inside eyes of my fish (on the top part) have like an orange tint in them. My fish are only gouramis and angelfish. Strange actually. Water quality is spot on. Another thing; in my other tanks, only the gouramis and angelfish have them. Every other fish does not.
Well since gouramis and angelfish both have bigger eyes then their eyes reflect more ligt than the other fish. Its kinda lika a morror effect
DerpPH said:
Well since gouramis and angelfish both have bigger eyes then their eyes reflect more ligt than the other fish. Its kinda lika a morror effect
Yeah but I tried something to test this: I put a few of the gouramis and angels in a new, uncycled tank (a day old). No orange tint. The other guys in the proper tanks have them. Lol this is a bit fun to observe but I wanna make sure this is normal. :)

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