Opinion On My Stock?


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I'm planning on changing my tank around in few days/weeks and I wanted to add a Gourami (Or possibly a pair) to my tank.
It's a 30 Gal, 36x12x18.

The stock that will be in the tank will hopefully be the following:
3 Dalmatian Mollies
2 Platy's
6 Panda Cory's
2 Guppies
8(or so) Cardinal Tetras
+ A few ghost shrimp and some snails

I was wondering if anyone sees any problems with adding a Gourami or a pair if I can find a female, to that stock or if it might be a little to crowded or if there may be any compatibility issues?

Also does anyone have any suggestions as to what type of Gourami? I was thinking either a Dwarf or a Honey Sunset...

Thanks :good:
Hmm. Gouramis may eat ghost shrimp, but a honey gourami probably won't. Also, are both the guppies male or females? If its females, you are going to have a lot of babies. Same with the mollies. And platies. Other than that, the honey gourami is your safest choice. If you are not interested in breeding, don't do a pair. Good luck! :good:
Ok, so shrimp for the Betta tank and only in the main tank if I get a honey :)
As for the live bearers, I know all about babies :p I tend to just leave them in the tank and they're usually gone in a few days -sad, but a necessity when one cant sell them.
Do Gourami eat fry as well if given the chance?

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