One Last Fish For 20g Tank?


Aug 16, 2012
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I have a 20 gallon tank that my girlfriend pretty much takes care of cause she wanted her own fish, It has an internal filter so I already know some of the space is removed. Its in the living room so I cant put a HOB filter on it again because the noise eventually gets to me, its why I replaced all my filters with Canisters ( and I love it )

Anyways ,current stocking is this:
6 male guppies
3 albino corydoras
1 upsidedown catfish

She was looking for a fish that swims around mid level or so, she took the male Pearl Gourami I have in my large tank and put him in there for a few days but she told me she would put him back if I can find something that would go well with the tank.

no idea why when I posted this it thought I did it hours ago so for some reason its way down the page, so little bump
Well, I'd get at least 3 more albino corys.

A trio or quintet of sparkling gourami would be very eyecatching and occupy all levels of the tank :good:
Or a dwarf gourami.

Or a school of cardinal tetras or harlequin rasboras
Forgot to mention that it also has the khuli loaches from my main tank. They kept going in the filter so I moved them :D I dont think I've seen any sparkling gourami at the stores but I might be tempted to find a cheap 30g again and use the 20 for breeding/quarantine so I could maybe add a little more then. We arent fans of dwarves due to their sudden death they do
Agree with the added cories. Ok, after racking my brain for the last hour or so, I think a single male pearl gourami is the best choice. All the other fish I can think of get to large, stay more at the bottom or are about 2" at most.
I'm thinking of upgrading it to a 30 just looking around for a used one
In a 30 gallon, a blue acara would work. Possibly one of the krobia sp. also.
The filter is an internal Fluval U2 so its probably not really great for a cichlid and it says they bully smaller fish, which would probably be the guppies

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