Old Member - Back On The Scene


Fish Gatherer
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi everyone

I have not been around for a while due to other commitments, but I am now back.  Hi to everyone who remembers me; if anyone from the old days is still around, and everyone who I have not yet met!

This year though I have been busy racing my road bike (pedal cycle) and so had to shut a number of tanks down.  I still have my large display tank though and at the moment I have a Belum Severum, a Jack Dempsey, a Jewel Cichlid, a few species of Barbs, a shoal of Pictus Cats and a couple of Plecs.

In the past, I have kept and bred a number of Hillstream Loaches, Shrimp and a range of SA Cichlids.

Here is a quick video update of my main tank as it currently is.  For scale, my Severum is currently around 7-8 inches long.

:hi: back.
Love your tank, it looks so cool with the mix of big and little fish, definitely lots of activity!

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