Odessa Barbs In A 12Gallon Tank

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Mostly New Member
Aug 19, 2013
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I have a 54cmX 25cmX 35.5cm tank = 48L or 12Gallons. I have kept my tank successfully with a shoal of mixed Danios and Goldfish for years. Unfortunately I had an accident with my goldfish after keeping them for several years, they got cotton disease and died before the tank could be medicated (the water temp had dropped to low.) Like wise I had a few suicidal Danios that jumped from the tank when I was cleaning it and had the lid off.
Now I am left with two zebra danios and one lepoard danio. I would like to add another Leapoard danio and am also considering x5 Odessa barbs.
Totalling x2 Zebra Danios
              x2 Lepoard Danios
              x5 Odessa barbs
I will be setting it up as a South East Asia Biotope. With drift wood (it provides a cave and has already been in my tank for three years), Java fern and Red Wendtii (to be added to the tank). The substrate is black sand mixed with gravel (has also been in my tank for years). I am currently using an internal canister filter the 'VitaPet Marine master professional series, Crystal clear Aquarium Filter 380' but I have plans to change it to an external canister filter the 'Aquaone Aquis CF800 or CF700'
My question is will x5 Odessa barbs + x4 Danios be suitable in my tank. I know the tanks is on the small side I have a much larger tank that I will upgrade to but that probably wont happen for 3-4years as I don't have the space, so it is sitting in my shed.
Hi there! I'm terribly sorry if this sounds harsh at all, but your tank is too small for your past goldfish, the current inhabitants, and the barbs. For 1 fancy goldfish you need 30 gallons, and for each additional goldfish another 15 gallons.
The danios while they are small, are extremely active so need a 4 foot tank, have heard some people say you can get away with a 3 foot but would leave that up to someone who knows more about danios.
Barbs need a 30g+ tank, they get quite chunky and are active as well. It may be best if you re-homed what you have and consider a new stocking.
Again, sorry if that sounds harsh, and sorry I can't help you on the biotope side of things, have never done something like that.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Would Green moss tiger barbs or cherry barbs be all right they only grow to 2 inches?
Tigerbarbs are a big no. They are nippy nasty little creatures who need big school and big tank to be happy.

Cherry barbs I do not reccomend for anything smaller than 15 gallons. :)
Fishyworld said:
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Would Green moss tiger barbs or cherry barbs be all right they only grow to 2 inches?
if you want a se asian biotope, why not do a betta and a school of rasboras?
ncguppy830 said:
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Would Green moss tiger barbs or cherry barbs be all right they only grow to 2 inches?
if you want a se asian biotope, why not do a betta and a school of rasboras?
Plus some threadfin rainbows!. 
So heres the possible stocking(my suggestion)
6 boraras merah
5 threadfin rainbows.
dont forget the SE Asian plants!!
Cryptocoryne spp.
taxiphyllum spp java 
microsorum soo.
Thanks everyone for your advice especially to Fishaholic =)
I have decided to leave the asian bitope untill I can set up my large 200L. Instead I will get a few more danios as they are quite happy in my tank along with maybe a couple of Corys, possibly Panda corys

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