Hey guys
I have been intrigued by these fish when i saw them the other day in my lfs, i really want to get a bunch but would like to know if they will be compatible with my other fish.
This is my current stocking in my aqua style 620t, 130l tank
2 peppered corys
X1 Ellioti Cichlid
X4 cherry barbs
X2 cory agassizi
X5 Five banded barbs
X1 bristle nose Plec
X1 Clown Plec
X1 Pario-AncistrusPleco (L-048)
X1 Columbian shark catfish
I think it will be alright to have them in there, i was planning on getting 5 or if i remove the cherry barbs maybe get 8 or something like that.
The Ellioti is really timid and only chased the other barbs when she layyed eggs but the male has recently died so that wont be happening anymore
The Columbian shark is also very timid and doesn't bother anything, stays out the way most of the day and comes out of night.
other than that i think it will be fine, im also thinking of getting something else too, maybe a couple of golden Gouramis.
Also can anyone tell me information about them?
I have been intrigued by these fish when i saw them the other day in my lfs, i really want to get a bunch but would like to know if they will be compatible with my other fish.
This is my current stocking in my aqua style 620t, 130l tank

X1 Ellioti Cichlid
X4 cherry barbs
X2 cory agassizi
X5 Five banded barbs
X1 bristle nose Plec
X1 Clown Plec
X1 Pario-AncistrusPleco (L-048)
X1 Columbian shark catfish
I think it will be alright to have them in there, i was planning on getting 5 or if i remove the cherry barbs maybe get 8 or something like that.
The Ellioti is really timid and only chased the other barbs when she layyed eggs but the male has recently died so that wont be happening anymore
The Columbian shark is also very timid and doesn't bother anything, stays out the way most of the day and comes out of night.
other than that i think it will be fine, im also thinking of getting something else too, maybe a couple of golden Gouramis.
Also can anyone tell me information about them?