Nutrafin Plant Gro


Sep 6, 2010
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Hi all,

Added some various crypts to my aquarium last night including a really large mother plant. I bought some nutrafin plant gro and added less than then 5ml per 40l

I also added 6 rainbow fish too

This morning before I work I tested for ammonia and the reading was high 2.0ppm. My tank has been up and running for years and didn't witness any odd behaviour to indicate ammonia poisoning. I also did a test for nitrite and it was 0.

Is the plant grow giving me false readings for ammonium?

Before I added plants etc i did a 30% water change.
Disturbing the substrate when adding the plants can cause a small spike.
As a precaution I changed 80L of water and kept monitoring. I'm certain it's picking up a false positive, because the fish are absolutely normal, no signs of distress at all.

Thanks :)
Honestly the ferts shouldn't do that, if they did then all us planted ppl would have diatoms in our tanks. Best ferts I can find right now are pre mixed from AE, they're great.
Honestly the ferts shouldn't do that, if they did then all us planted ppl would have diatoms in our tanks. Best ferts I can find right now are pre mixed from AE, they're great.

Its been a long time since I have been on the forum and the planted section, but I am sure I remember numerous planted people saying they don't even bother testing their water as they get false readings for the less toxic ammonium when using some ferts.

I have been monitoring the tank and the fish have no colour loss, are not hanging at surface, have no sores, red gills, they're not sluggish in any way and are still eating. If it was a genuine reading of 2-4ppm I would expect to be seeing signs of poisoning by now.

EDIT: I'm not sure how old the kit is either, so maybe it could be past it sell by date.
Some of the better ferts like Tropica contain ammonium but I'm not sure if they'd give a reading at the recommended dose. Unlikely a trace fert should tho.
I'd be more inclined to launch the test kit...or poss replace it on this occasion (I do say if you have any test kit at all it should be ammonia....)


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