Several years ago I had local fish. You appear to be located in Maryland, so a temperate temperature which means room temperature throughout the year would be best, meaning, no heat in the tank. As for water parameters (GH and pH), that would depend upon the water from which the fish are collected. Don't assume it will be the same as the tap water.
Some states have laws respecting the collection of aquatic wildlife including fish. Check with your state government.
Never, ever release fish back into the wild. This can be very destructive, and is probably forbidden by law (federal or state, depending). Once you have fish at home in an aquarium, you are providing opportunities for disease that may never occur in the wild locally, and this applies to plants as well as fish. Releasing such fish back into the natural ecosystem has been known to wipe out natural species. If you collect wild fish, do so with the understanding that they will be in your care for the rest of their lives.
And this brings me to the size some fish attain. Research the species so you know how large they will get, if they need a group, and make sure you now have sufficient tank space. "Sunfish" for example is a family of 37 or so species, with varying sizes, but most are in the 8 to 12 inch range, and a group of five (they are shoaling fish) or six would not work in a 75g tank for more than a couple months. They grow rapidly, I've had some.