Non Hardy Java Ferns?


Moved On
Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
Did I plant the roots? No
Did I medicate the take for Ich? Yes
Did the temp reach 83+? No
Did I add leaf zone? Yes
Ammonia 0
PH 7.7-7.9
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10 just water changed

So ughh yeah. Do I remove the yellow dead ish leaves? Do I just go but new ones from somewhere else? Some of the fern is fine.
Any plant leaf matter that is dying is decaying and should be removed 
Maybe it was something attached to it... So the fern is just the little guy?
its melt, its adapting to the water conditions, the new growth is very healthy and it should start to grow more now 
that leave is java fern, but its an old leaf  
Java Fern is brilliant :) the more you hack it back (within reason obviously...) the better it grows!
All plants have to adapt every time they are moved, java fern, echinodorus (amazon swords) and cryptocorynes especially IME
With the Java Fern, I found that with young plants like yours... I often cut off the leaves that got too big (took too much from the rest of the plant!) and kept and eye on it... but for each leaf I cut, 2-3 eventually appeared below it so it was a win :) even as a mature huge java fern, I cut off brown or less 'nice' looking leaves/
Its the same with all plants really.. cutting of leaves that are 'no hopers', you stop the plant wasting energy on leaves that wont recover and encourage it to use its energy elsewhere :)
I just yanked all but the baby leaves. Wonder how long its going to take to be of decent size LOL
Use scissors to cut stem or you might accidentally pull the plant about too much :)
If you cut off the worst looking leaf for every 4-5 leaves that it produces, you can get it growing pretty fast if its situation is right :)
That said... you could also get a second java fern lol
for the greener leaves you cut off leave them floating in the tank, often java fern will grow plantets on its leaves if it gets damaged, or broken off from the main plant saying that it does it when its growing as well 
I fear adding a second one on that drift roof because eventually they will get huge or so I hope. I have one on each driftwood piece so far.
Does anyone know if it will grow faster from bigger rhizomes as opposed to buying plants with lots of leaves?
I may replace them if I find a good source these are from a crummy store
Mine with and die like that when they reach a certain size.  Maybe I should trim them all back more?
coolie said:
LIke for example this narrow variety I like here:
they say you get 20 leaves but if you want it to grow, surely you need to buy just great big rhizomes?
eventually the rhizome will grow even if you buy a small one, bear in mind though the ferns grow painfully slow so it takes a while!

PrairieSunflower said:
Mine with and die like that when they reach a certain size.  Maybe I should trim them all back more?
. Yes you should trim/prune plants regularly to keep them healthy and growing, just cut off old dying leaves when you see them.
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