Newbie To Plants Wants A Planted Tank


Mostly New Member
Dec 17, 2013
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hey guys 
ive always stayed clear of plants as i remember my dads 5-6ft tank as a kid n see them looking old fashioned and urgh but then i joined here and wow i want one.
so i have a 26lx12wx18d might be taller   i was gonna do just another rock tank but now decided this will be a planted tank it has no lights or hood soo need advice on these also 
i want it to look modern  and fresh  i like unusal n bright fish (hence my malawi tank)  so
1) what light do i need i was looking at a ebay led lamp that screws to the back of tank yes/no or is their somthing better i will build a hood if needed ?
2) what plants look good ?
3) in a planted tank does it need any ect bits seen co2 mentioned 
4) what fish dont wanna do boring common stuff
this is the tank i wanna use the rocks can stay or go same as the sand i belive its just play sand  is this ok for planting into ?

thanks in advance 
I'm new to plants too.  I have play sand which seems to please everyone so far. :)  (I've had it for a few months now.) 
I have anubias, java fern, and corkscrew vals.  The anubias is doing great strapped to a rock and the java fern are propagating.  Sadly the corkscrew vals came from over seas and came looking pretty sad. :/  I think I'll get some more from another seller.  I got all my plants off ebay FYI.  So far all my plants haven't needed co2. 
As far as lighting, I'll leave that question to someone else. :p  My lighting is 120 VAC. 60Hz. 17 W.  (If that helps.) :p 
Non boring fish... lol Here's a few ideas:
Guppies: flashy and fun to watch
Corys: docile and are neat-they swim in a little pack. :) 
Gouramis: very elegant fish-they usually build bubble nests for you! :D
Bettas: Never had these guys but I've heard they are awesome! 
There are many other fish but I've only had experience with a few of the types. :) 
Hope this helps! 
I have a nice load of giant vallis which would fill the back of that tank nicely. Some of them are upto 30'' long and growing still.
Fluval-1200 said:
I have a nice load of giant vallis which would fill the back of that tank nicely. Some of them are upto 30'' long and growing still.

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