Fish Herder
So, here is the set up I'm eventually looking for to possibly have. I want to upgrade my 20 gal tank to a 75 gal somewhat planted, low tech tank that isn't a mess to set up and get going. I've never done live plants before. Here is what I was thinking, but not sure if it's good or not.
I'd like to put in the Carib-Sea Peace River gravel as the substrate. I have looked at the options of dirt and also the complete plant substrates but not sure if they are really for me. I don't want a heavily planted tank.
Lighting would probably be some sort of LED light, just not sure which type. I would also probably do an HOB filter as well, just not sure which kind yet.
The plants I'm thinking about are maybe two or more types of Jungle Vals and Dwarf Sag. Maybe adding moss balls as well. I do kinda like the look of the water sprite but not sure if that would be a good plant to actually plant in a gravel substrate or just let it float? I'm not sure I want a floating plant but not a clue at this time...
This tank will also be a mostly tetra tank, maybe white cloud mountain minnows, and some harlequin rasboras with at least one school of cory cats on the bottom and at least one bristlenose pleco to help with algae.
One of my main questions is...should I get the tank set up first and cycled, and then start adding the fish and then the plants after once it's set up? Or should I plant them first thing? I would be starting with all new filter material and such so I know it will need to be cycled. My water parameters at the moment are a PH of 8.2 that is stable and I do have a .25ppm of Ammonia reading but it is also stable in my non planted tank(though I use the marineland combo of carbon and ammonia nutralizing stuff as well to help). Nitrites are 0 and nitrates are under 10 if I keep up with water changes. Temperature is 78 which is where I'd like to keep it as well in a bigger tank(even if it takes two heaters
) My glow lights and black neon tetras seem to love this water even though it's a higher pH. I've seen both of them display breeding behavior(though no eggs that I could see, not that I'm interested in breeding them anyway) though since adding the black neons the glow lights haven't done that. *shrugs* My bristle nose pleco also is doing quite well and enjoying the tank and is not shy at all!
Another question is, fertilizers? What would the best be to add and how often?(I know this can differ from tank to tank). Would I need anything special with these types of plants or would like dosing with Seachem Flourish be enough? And what about some kind of root tab? I just started reading about those. Everything is so confusing! But if I do a planted tank, even lightly planted, I want to make sure I do it right!
Anyway, I think these are my main questions right now. I don't yet have money to get a big tank like that but I think it would be awesome to have! This is why I'm doing all this research first so I know what I want when I get it! If you want any more info just please let me know. Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
I'd like to put in the Carib-Sea Peace River gravel as the substrate. I have looked at the options of dirt and also the complete plant substrates but not sure if they are really for me. I don't want a heavily planted tank.
Lighting would probably be some sort of LED light, just not sure which type. I would also probably do an HOB filter as well, just not sure which kind yet.
The plants I'm thinking about are maybe two or more types of Jungle Vals and Dwarf Sag. Maybe adding moss balls as well. I do kinda like the look of the water sprite but not sure if that would be a good plant to actually plant in a gravel substrate or just let it float? I'm not sure I want a floating plant but not a clue at this time...
This tank will also be a mostly tetra tank, maybe white cloud mountain minnows, and some harlequin rasboras with at least one school of cory cats on the bottom and at least one bristlenose pleco to help with algae.
One of my main questions is...should I get the tank set up first and cycled, and then start adding the fish and then the plants after once it's set up? Or should I plant them first thing? I would be starting with all new filter material and such so I know it will need to be cycled. My water parameters at the moment are a PH of 8.2 that is stable and I do have a .25ppm of Ammonia reading but it is also stable in my non planted tank(though I use the marineland combo of carbon and ammonia nutralizing stuff as well to help). Nitrites are 0 and nitrates are under 10 if I keep up with water changes. Temperature is 78 which is where I'd like to keep it as well in a bigger tank(even if it takes two heaters
Another question is, fertilizers? What would the best be to add and how often?(I know this can differ from tank to tank). Would I need anything special with these types of plants or would like dosing with Seachem Flourish be enough? And what about some kind of root tab? I just started reading about those. Everything is so confusing! But if I do a planted tank, even lightly planted, I want to make sure I do it right!
Anyway, I think these are my main questions right now. I don't yet have money to get a big tank like that but I think it would be awesome to have! This is why I'm doing all this research first so I know what I want when I get it! If you want any more info just please let me know. Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!