Newbie 2Nd Time Lucky! Advise Me Please


New Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Hello this is my first post! 
I have a Juwel Rio240 52 gallon Aquarium tank sitting in my garage at the moment.
I had it up and running 5-10 years ago in my old house but had a disaster aprox 1-2 yrs after setting it up when most my fish died in the tank.   I still to this day do not know what happened (inexperienced and ignorant to the hobby at that time),  I went to my local dealer and used to just buy fish i liked the look of.   I had tigers mixed with angel fish etc.   
Back then i didnt know what a cycle was (still not 100% sure what its all about) 
I think my tank had a disease in it which killed the fish so ....
1- is it safe to use the same tank......what do i use to clean it before use?   it has sat in the garage for 5-10 years with the gravel still in it.
2- with the cycle i guess i add the water set it all up and let it run for 30 days or so without fish in it?  help with this part would be much appreciated please.
3- I want a tank that looks natural with fish that are medium to large with lots of colour that are interesting to watch. (love clown loaches) so what fish am i best to put together to achieve this? 
4- should i go marine or stick to tropical freshwater? 
5- i made mistakes in the past (i was 16yrs old)   now 27 so looking to do this 100% seriously.  
looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say. 
Kind Regards
Good to hear that you are starting back up. First port of call would be the resource centre for beginners in the forum.
I'm sure others with loads more experience be able to advise on your questions. I've only started 5 weeks ago lol. Doing the fish in cycling as I have an impatient 5 year old. Loads of water changes.
Thanks folks :D    
Would it be advisable to stay clear of marine and go freshwater?  
I would start off with freshwater and then after a few years if you still want then go marine! FW is much easier to maintain especially for beginners!
Just reading up about the cycling process.   Hopefully be able to get it set up over the next 2 months or so.  
Sounds good!
Just a tip: if you wanted to speed up the cycling process you could use some mature filter media either from a friend that has a fully cycled tank or from your LFS if they will give you any! :)
Not all LFS will give you media but its worth asking!
If you can't find any mature filter media then you will just have to cycle it the old fashioned way for a month or so! :)
1.  The tank is more than likely just fine for using.  I'd suggest giving it a two part scrub down. 
  • First, using white distilled vinegar, scrub it down to clean off anything that might have gotten into the tank while sitting in the garage.  A dilution of 1 cup vinegar to 1 gallon water (or 250ml to 4L) should work just fine.  Then, thoroughly rinse the tank.
  • Second, to eliminate any potential pathogens that might be in the tank - a chlorine bleach solution will kill anything that might have survived the down time.  A ten percent dilution of bleach is the ideal here.  1 cup of bleach to 9 cups of water.  You can fill the tank completely if you want with this dilution, but don't leave it for more than 15 minutes.  Honestly, I'd just make 10 cups worth and scrub the sides of the tank for 15 minutes (working in the garage or a well-ventilated area is suggest for this). 
2. No.  Cycling refers to developing a colony of beneficial bacteria that will convert the ammonia produced by the fish to the far less toxic nitrate.  The cycling process is fully explained in the Beginner's Resource Center.
3. There are multiple "natural" types of tanks that you could keep.  The type of water that you have is going to be a fairly important factor in determining what fish you can best keep and the fish you keep will help to determine the type of tank you'll have.  For example, if your water is very hard and alkaline, a group of African Cichlids would work well, and they like a rocky tank (no plants).  A very soft, acidic water would be very good for many South American fish like tetras, S.A. cichlids, corydoras, etc.
4. Freshwater is far more straight forward than marine for newbies.  Marine tanks look amazing when done right, but so do fresh. ;)  No need for a RO unit, and then mixing up your saltwater.  A freshwater tank matched to your tap water conditions is the easiest way into fishkeeping.  Less places to mess up. :lol:
5. Every fishkeeper has made mistakes in the past.  The key is to learn from them and not repeat them.  You are off to a great start already!  ;)
Feel free to ask questions, that's why members come here - to share information.
I would advise buying new set of buckets and containers scrub pads and only use them for the Aquarium!
If you cross use them it can be a big mistake as like the wife who eyes up my nice new containers might use them to clean stuff and pour chemicals that should not mix well with fish!
With my old tank should I buy all new filter material for it or just wash the old stuff?

I live in aberdeen Scotland so no idea what our water conditions are like.
Also is that the same with the gravel. Should I ditch the old stuff and buy new.
TheQuo16 said:
With my old tank should I buy all new filter material for it or just wash the old stuff?
I live in aberdeen Scotland so no idea what our water conditions are like.
Ask either your water company, or your LFS.

I'd get new filter media, but if the filter still works, I'd use that.
Just scrub or clean the gravel with 1part bleach and 10 parts water! But with the filter media Id say you get more mature media rather than use the old one... Try some from your friends perhaps...
Geat yourself a API master kit it will test all the water conditions.(ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate)
I started my cycle without one and going to the LFS got old quick! You can get them for £18.00 (Ebay) retail is about £23-£25, but it took over two and half weeks to get to me @ that price! 
I reused my fathers old filters over 15years old and the media was finished so just bought brand new clean the filter housing checked propella and shafts all good and working after 15years if not more.
Thanks for all the hints and tips guys...  Really making things easier to plan.  
I have one last question.....
It is a Juwel Rio 240 Aquarium i own.    It has that internal filter as standard.   Been reading up and doing some research and some are saying take them out and get a better one?   Is the standard one not up to the job?   
Looking at what type of tank i would like i am swaying towards the Cichlids and making it a species tank rather than a community tank.  really want something with bigger fish and most important lots of colour.   This a good idea for a novice?  

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