Hello everyone, new to this forum, and new to fish keeping too!
Just thought I would share my new tank set up with you all. Any questions, comments and advice would be most welcome!
There are some links below to some pictures, I hope they work ok as I've just set it up!
Anyway, last year after a long time working and studying abroad, I finally got myself a small aqua one 320 (28l) tank. It was planted and contained a few cardinals and some pepper corys. It did pretty well, but after 6 months I decided that I would up the stakes somewhat and go large! (I'm beginning to feel that in this hobby, you always want a bigger tank!!!)
After some thought and research, I finally chose an aquamanta Eco 80 tank set up, with an EFX200 external filter, T5 lighting (white&soft red) and 100w heater (maybe a bit small for the tank, seems to be on quite a large percentage of the time)
I used tetra complete substrate, and a fine grane silica, seeded with jbl plant feed balls. I then splurged on some nice bog wood, which spent nearly a week in soak with regular water changes. I was a bit worried that it would turn the water a bit brown, but the filter has a carbon tray in it so it seems to keep the water pretty clear!
Bit of a novice when it came to the planting side of things, (could do with some help identifying everything) but I know I've got some Amazon Sword, Annubias, and Vallisneria, along with a Japanese moss ball.
I also installed a CO2 system. I finally went for a CO2 supermarket regulator/solenoid with adaptor for a soda stream bottle, into a glass CO2 diffuser. I run it for an hour before the lights come on to an hour before the lights go out (7hrs total) with an air pump feeding a 6 inch airstone at night. Seems to work pretty well so far, with my Ph levels staying pretty constant at 6.8.
After filling and adding my safe start, I left it around a week, and took the decision to add the fish from my old tank. I used some of the old gravel and put the old established filter in there too.
Over went 6 cardinal tetras, 5 Pepper Corys, 1 Pleco, 2 Assasin Snails, and 1 Bamboo Shrimp.
Kept a close eye on the Ammonia/Nitrates, which, along with weekly 10% water changes, have kept the levels pretty much at zero, and the fish seem very happy in their new home!
It's been about a month now since I've put the fish in, so I'm looking for some ideas! I like the idea of a peaceful community tank, with nothing that gets too big.
I was looking at a few more cardinals, and then a small shoal of rasporas or cherry barbs. A Siamese Algae eater, and another small group of Panda Corys. For a centrepiece I really like the look of a pair of Dwarf Ram Chiclid, or a pair Pearl Gouram instead. Any thoughts?
I feed floating tetra wafers, and the odd bit of bloodworm. The plants get a daily dose of 24hr nutrients.
That's about it so far! Like I say, any thoughts or comments greatly appreciated, anything I've missed or could be doing better for my tank.
Just thought I would share my new tank set up with you all. Any questions, comments and advice would be most welcome!
There are some links below to some pictures, I hope they work ok as I've just set it up!
Anyway, last year after a long time working and studying abroad, I finally got myself a small aqua one 320 (28l) tank. It was planted and contained a few cardinals and some pepper corys. It did pretty well, but after 6 months I decided that I would up the stakes somewhat and go large! (I'm beginning to feel that in this hobby, you always want a bigger tank!!!)
After some thought and research, I finally chose an aquamanta Eco 80 tank set up, with an EFX200 external filter, T5 lighting (white&soft red) and 100w heater (maybe a bit small for the tank, seems to be on quite a large percentage of the time)
I used tetra complete substrate, and a fine grane silica, seeded with jbl plant feed balls. I then splurged on some nice bog wood, which spent nearly a week in soak with regular water changes. I was a bit worried that it would turn the water a bit brown, but the filter has a carbon tray in it so it seems to keep the water pretty clear!
Bit of a novice when it came to the planting side of things, (could do with some help identifying everything) but I know I've got some Amazon Sword, Annubias, and Vallisneria, along with a Japanese moss ball.
I also installed a CO2 system. I finally went for a CO2 supermarket regulator/solenoid with adaptor for a soda stream bottle, into a glass CO2 diffuser. I run it for an hour before the lights come on to an hour before the lights go out (7hrs total) with an air pump feeding a 6 inch airstone at night. Seems to work pretty well so far, with my Ph levels staying pretty constant at 6.8.
After filling and adding my safe start, I left it around a week, and took the decision to add the fish from my old tank. I used some of the old gravel and put the old established filter in there too.
Over went 6 cardinal tetras, 5 Pepper Corys, 1 Pleco, 2 Assasin Snails, and 1 Bamboo Shrimp.
Kept a close eye on the Ammonia/Nitrates, which, along with weekly 10% water changes, have kept the levels pretty much at zero, and the fish seem very happy in their new home!
It's been about a month now since I've put the fish in, so I'm looking for some ideas! I like the idea of a peaceful community tank, with nothing that gets too big.
I was looking at a few more cardinals, and then a small shoal of rasporas or cherry barbs. A Siamese Algae eater, and another small group of Panda Corys. For a centrepiece I really like the look of a pair of Dwarf Ram Chiclid, or a pair Pearl Gouram instead. Any thoughts?
I feed floating tetra wafers, and the odd bit of bloodworm. The plants get a daily dose of 24hr nutrients.
That's about it so far! Like I say, any thoughts or comments greatly appreciated, anything I've missed or could be doing better for my tank.


