New To The Forum And New To Tropical Fish Keeping.


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
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Hi all.
Thanks for accepting me into this Forum, I am hoping to get lots of info from you and maybe one day return the favour :)
I have brought myself an Aqua One 980T tank with Black cabinet lol 245 L. Its probably a bit on the large size for a new comer
but like a lot of hobbies you buy to small then regret not buying bigger.
P.S Happy New Year to all. 
Welcome, you are quite correct, bigger is better and a lot of people regret not having a sensibly sized tank, they offer a lot of variety of stocking options and tend to be a lot more stable in their conditions, which is far more forgiving of a new fishkeeper.
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here. As has been said bigger is better!
Welcome welcome! I wish I had started big! 
welcome Mick new myself to the forum have owned fish before starting it up again thanks to the kids :)
to the forum!
Hope you enjoy it here!
Thank you for your welcome.  
Just scrolling through your forum, a lot of info :)
Welcome to the forum!

Any plans on the stocking you intend on having? 
I have a community tank stocked with Zebra Danio,s , Plattys , Corys , Alge eater , and some serpra tetra,s.  And some unwanted snails which came free with the plants lol.
You can buy fish that will take those snails out, but may not get along with your other fish. Welcome to the forum. And don't worry. It won't take long before MTS sets in and you want two or three more that size...
Welcome, take a seat and enjoy the conversations! We might sound a bit harsh now and then especially when someone is making the same mistakes we made (and wish we hadn't).
I wish I'd discovered this forum before setting up my first tank (comets). I realise now that the tank is completely unsuitable for them but they're part of the family now and I can't bear to part with them. I should have done my research instead of taking the advice of the pet shop, they seem to have the knowledge but really they just want to move stock.
I have an AR620T (130l) and when the time comes I'll be re-stocking with tropicals, so I'm researching what would work in such a short length, tall height tank.
I needed the height more than the length to fit in the only space my Mrs would let me have one. She loves the tank now

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