Hi there,
I am new to keeping Rainbow Fish and just want to know if I'm doing things right... I really like these guys and would be very upset if I ended up killing them.
I have a 30 gallon tank with the following fish: 4 Boesemani rainbows, 2 Turquoise rainbows, 8 Neon tetras, 1 peacock gudgeon, 1 cherry barb, 1 bristlenose pleco, 1 clown loach, 1 khuli loach, 1 wood catfish, and 1 Amano shrimp.
The tank has black gravel and arteficial plants, and has a lot of plant cover at either end and at the back of the tank with open swimming space in the front and center. There are also a couple pieces of driftwood and two caves.
The temperature is steady at 75 degrees, and the pH is 7.0. The ammonia levels are low enough that they're unreadable with my test kit (so under 0.025.) I feed them tropical flake food, freeze-dried tubifex worms, and algae disks.
The rainbow fish seem happy enough, but not particularily outgoing. They mostly hide together at one end behind a piece of driftwood with one or two of them occasionally swimming across the tank. They do eat, but not enthusiastically. The male turquoise seems to be after all the ladies in the tank (no matter what species) and can really flash his orange stripe on and off when he wants to, which is pretty awesome! I am concerned because I heard they were very outgoing, enthusiastic fish, and mine seem rather shy and skittish for the most part. Does the bright light in the tank bother them perhaps? Should I get another pair of turquoise?
I have attached a (poor) photo of my tank.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
I am new to keeping Rainbow Fish and just want to know if I'm doing things right... I really like these guys and would be very upset if I ended up killing them.
I have a 30 gallon tank with the following fish: 4 Boesemani rainbows, 2 Turquoise rainbows, 8 Neon tetras, 1 peacock gudgeon, 1 cherry barb, 1 bristlenose pleco, 1 clown loach, 1 khuli loach, 1 wood catfish, and 1 Amano shrimp.
The tank has black gravel and arteficial plants, and has a lot of plant cover at either end and at the back of the tank with open swimming space in the front and center. There are also a couple pieces of driftwood and two caves.
The temperature is steady at 75 degrees, and the pH is 7.0. The ammonia levels are low enough that they're unreadable with my test kit (so under 0.025.) I feed them tropical flake food, freeze-dried tubifex worms, and algae disks.
The rainbow fish seem happy enough, but not particularily outgoing. They mostly hide together at one end behind a piece of driftwood with one or two of them occasionally swimming across the tank. They do eat, but not enthusiastically. The male turquoise seems to be after all the ladies in the tank (no matter what species) and can really flash his orange stripe on and off when he wants to, which is pretty awesome! I am concerned because I heard they were very outgoing, enthusiastic fish, and mine seem rather shy and skittish for the most part. Does the bright light in the tank bother them perhaps? Should I get another pair of turquoise?
I have attached a (poor) photo of my tank.
Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!