Fish Gatherer
I have previously had other aging fish and a few others. A few of my guppies died of age and I have managed to find homes for the other fish where they will thrive.
I have decided to get just 3 honey gourami for my 20 gallon tank (also 5 amano shrimp and assassin snails in there). I bought them yesterday.
I have a few question. I wanted to verify the sexing but.... they are still not willing to either be in photos or look like themselves if I do catch them. The fish shop guy and I scrutinized them for some time and discussed all the different tell-tale signs of gender before selecting these three.
I believe I have a gold colored male, and two natural colored females.
I selected them with these criteria... the male seemed to have a more sleek body and his fin seemed to have the right bit of sharpness. He is the smallest of the 3 gourami.
The two that I believe are natural colored females have rounder bodies and I think a more rounded looking fin. One is bigger than the other. The larger of the two has the darkest line across the middle.
Does that sound like I (and the shop guy) did alright sexing them?
Also, they were getting along famously until.... I put an algae wafer in there. I feed them this morning some flakes and two of them ate (male and smaller female) and larger female turned her nose up at everything and spit it out. I felt a bit bad so I dropped an algae wafer in there too.... Well.... she is rather protective of that algae wafer and has banished the male to the other side of the bogwood and banished the smaller female to the java fern behind the rock on the other side of the tank. They seemed unable to work this dispute out... so finally I went and fished that algae wafer out again and broke it up and dropped the pieces farther apart... now the larger female and male and out... but the smaller female is still in hiding.
Is that normal behavior?
Oh... and what do you call those tentacle things? I have taken to calling them arms! Love those!
I have decided to get just 3 honey gourami for my 20 gallon tank (also 5 amano shrimp and assassin snails in there). I bought them yesterday.
I have a few question. I wanted to verify the sexing but.... they are still not willing to either be in photos or look like themselves if I do catch them. The fish shop guy and I scrutinized them for some time and discussed all the different tell-tale signs of gender before selecting these three.
I believe I have a gold colored male, and two natural colored females.
I selected them with these criteria... the male seemed to have a more sleek body and his fin seemed to have the right bit of sharpness. He is the smallest of the 3 gourami.
The two that I believe are natural colored females have rounder bodies and I think a more rounded looking fin. One is bigger than the other. The larger of the two has the darkest line across the middle.
Does that sound like I (and the shop guy) did alright sexing them?
Also, they were getting along famously until.... I put an algae wafer in there. I feed them this morning some flakes and two of them ate (male and smaller female) and larger female turned her nose up at everything and spit it out. I felt a bit bad so I dropped an algae wafer in there too.... Well.... she is rather protective of that algae wafer and has banished the male to the other side of the bogwood and banished the smaller female to the java fern behind the rock on the other side of the tank. They seemed unable to work this dispute out... so finally I went and fished that algae wafer out again and broke it up and dropped the pieces farther apart... now the larger female and male and out... but the smaller female is still in hiding.
Is that normal behavior?
Oh... and what do you call those tentacle things? I have taken to calling them arms! Love those!