New Tank


New Member
Mar 7, 2014
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I have 2 new fish tanks. One is a 20 gallon with 5 fancy guppies, 4 kissing gourami, a fancy gold fish and 2 plecos one of which is albino. And the other is a 10 gallon with just a pleco in it currently, cause my beta died :( I'm just wondering how often I should change their water. I've only had the big tank for a couple days and the bigger pleco pooped a long string and is hanging from all my plants like he was decorating the place.

I also got a surprise this morning when my boyfriend spotted a guppy fry! I moved it into the smaller tank along with 3 others that popped out. I had no idea that one of them was pregnant, but I think one of my kissing fish is too. Please offer me any advice you have to give!
So to answer the how often you should do water changes thing the answer is with that many fish at least a 20%-30% water change once a week more would be better because you have that 20 gal a bit over stocked.
If I where you I'd move the guppies into the 10 gallon and rehome the gold fish and maybe one of the plecos because those fish really produce a ton of waist again all this is just what I'd do good luck with the new tanks :)
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
As has been said, 25% minimum a week usually. I agree that your 20g is pretty overstocked.
Kissing gourami need a bigger tank and can be quite aggressive.
Goldfish is a tropical fish so doesn't belong with the rest, should be in it's own tank of 20g or more.
The pleco depending on what type could get too big for this tank as well, if you can post a picture someone should be able to ID it for you.
No plecos that I know of should be in a 10g so would re-home that one.
I'm really sorry to hear about your betta dying

Did you cycle either of these tanks? If you don't know what that is have a read of THIS, and in case you get another betta you may find THIS a good read too.
Grats on your fry!
I'd just leave them be and let nature take it's course, if you tried to save every guppy fry you'd quickly be overstocked.

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