New Tank


Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
I am starting a new tank at work and am thinking about moving some stock from home to start it off. Out of the following fish, which ones would be best for fish in cycling, and is there any that I should definitely avoid using? Last time I did this I used some platties that seemed to cope well with the fluctuations.



Cardinal tetras
Glowlight tetras
Harlequin Rasporas
Peppered Corys
Panda Corys
Cherry barbs
Glass catfish
Zebra Danios
Can I ask why your doing a fish-in cycle? With a fish-in cycle any fish you use is generally going to be at risk. It's always advised to do a fishless cycle to ensure no fish are harmed.

Any ammonia and nitrites in a tank are toxic to any fish.

Not only that but a fish-in cycle is far more time consuming too. Your looking at doing daily 90% water changes throughout the cycle and the overall cycle will take far longer than a fishless

Can I ask why your doing a fish-in cycle? With a fish-in cycle any fish you use is generally going to be at risk. It's always advised to do a fishless cycle to ensure no fish are harmed.

Any ammonia and nitrites in a tank are toxic to any fish.

Not only that but a fish-in cycle is far more time consuming too. Your looking at doing daily 90% water changes throughout the cycle to keeping the ammonia and nitrites down and the overall cycle will take far longer than a fishless.

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