New Tank --- Is It Doomed To Leak/break?


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
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Is my aquarium tank doomed? Brand new...held a gallon with no leaks....but have another 5 to put in. Internal silicone seal is good. But this is on outside bottom about size of pinky fingernail and has enough gap you can feel it. Opinions?


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I'd drain it off and pack it with aquarium grade silicone. It has to be aquarium grade as regular silicone contains anti mould and milgrew properties and will leach out and poison your fish, not good!

The only other thing to do is maybe return then tank and get a replacement or your money back?

If it's brand new. I'd take it back to store and get another one.
Explain and show them pics. Should not be a problem.

Easiest way rather than trying to repair it yourself.
Ch4rlie said:
If it's brand new. I'd take it back to store and get another one.
Explain and show them pics. Should not be a problem.
Easiest way rather than trying to repair it yourself.
I was thinking the same but it might be a PITA for him if he has to drive a hour or two just to return it when he could order some silicone? It all depends what the OP wants to do, we have gave him two good options and let him decide if it will be easier to repair/return.

Well, yeah can see that point.
But at same time he paid good money for that tank so therefore he should expect the tank not to leak or have any problems since is new.
Don't think the store should get away with selling defective products?
Even if it means driving for 1 or 2 hours to get to the store.
If it was me, i'd rather return it than repair it as would have to buy aquarium silicone, go into the trouble of sealing it and waiting for it to cure, testing and double tests and will always have that little doubt in back of mind if tank is 100% up to the job or not etc etc 

Up to OP really 
I agree with Charlie. If it's brand new, take it back, not of Merchantable Quality (the UK legal phrase).

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