New Tank Cycling


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England
i am very new to this so please have patience with me, i am only trying to make sure if do right by the fish.

ok started cycling a new tropical fish tank, put immonia in last nite and did my first water sample test tonight, here are my results:

PH = 7.6 actually maybe slightly more but doesnt show higher on my chart?
AMMONIA = 4.0 which is bang on

any ideas on the PH, that seems high if am not mistaken? i am using pure immonia (9%)

its a 140litre tank

i'm going to be keeping cardinals, rummynose and cherrybarbs when all is done.

i'll check waters again tomorrow.
It's a good pH for cycling actually. The closer to 8.0 the better! Go ahead and put your temp up to 30 as well :)

Good luck!
pH goes all over the place whilst cycling so don't worry about it at the moment best to test your tap water instead. Also ammonia is a not i lol. Good to hear your doing fish less.
temp upto 30 ;)

and oops type hehe...

thanks both!

and yeh i must confess got a bleeping 28litre knew nothing about fish so went to P&H, "give it 3 days blah blah", now doin bleeping water changes every other flipping day! grrrrrrrrrrr...thankfully lost no fish but i do feel for them and i genuinly feel bad :(

RSPCA shud visit them!
ah ok, phew! hehe yes you do, just from what you said before I got a bit confused :p
lol well this bit is fun because you'll find you're learning loads of new stuff all the time :D
Check out Fish-less cycling in the beginners centre. Its in my signature will help you understand :good:
my tap water is about 7 / 7.2 just tested

Let a glass of tap water stand overnight and test it again. The chances are it will have changed. My tapwater goes up from 7.2 to 7.4 after standing.

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