New Tank Change Of Plan - Now 5Ft - Idea's Please


Jul 1, 2008
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I have had the same tank for 17 years and iam looking to get a nice new one.   I have a 48" x 18"H x 15" w
was looking for simular but now got go ahead to get 5ft tank.
so 5ft long  by 18" wide and height ideally as tall as possible as long as top of cabinet unit is 52-53 " height with lid (132cm - 135cm)
finding it difficult to work out height issue as need internal space in cabinet big enough for filter but not over big that i lose tank height.
obviously want biggest volume i can get lol.
so I need the full monty cabinet , tank and lights etc
mainly looking for a nice set up that looks the business, not cheap look.     strong and will last.
I need a closed hood and T5 lights ( 3 or 4)  intend to use fluval external filer 405  that i have currently,  if it will cope with extra volume.
so any ideas on nice new tanks/cabinets for sale and general thought.

harlow essex area
Jewel tanks are great quality. I think they might even do their bow front in 5'. That one is exceptionally nice IMO.
thinking ND aquatics in hertford with one of following depending on overall height.
150 cm  x    50.8 cm  H   (20")   x   45cm (18")   w     =      342L    75.4 IG
150 cm  x    55.8 cm  H   (22")   x   45cm (18")   w     =      376L    82.8 IG

anyone any idea if opti class option is worth it or a gimic ?  worth the extra ?
any idea for best backgrounds are 3d good or not ?
or blue / black standard back ground what do people thing for cichlids
MDF faced with a real wood veneer or Real wood ( Solid wood) ?

any votes for ND aquatics ?
Actually looks pretty decent.
Have heard of this site before, think other members on this forum have used this company before.
3D backgrounds look good but do take up some space inside the tank, and can be kinda difficult to keep clean but I personally have not had 3D background before so just going by what have heard in past posts.

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