You have some major issues with the suggested fish stocking. Before I get to that, I will just say in passing that you need to properly cycle the new tank, and this takes weeks, not hours. Please read the articles on cycling here
they are at the top, marked "pinned."
Moving on to the fish species. A four-foot tank is not sufficient space for clown loaches as they mature. Loaches are very highly social fish, and given their size, will need a 6-foot tank at absolute minimum, and preferably larger.
The Pakistani Loach could be the species Botia almorhae, though this common name has been applied to other species. Four may work out, it would be better to have five or six, but things may be OK if you're lucky with the individual fish. They will do fine in a 4-foot tank; jut make sure they have lots of chunks of wood with tunnels and/or crevices. Loaches need to find their individual "home," and they love playing tag through wood tunnels and such. We may view this as "play," but to the loaches it is more serious.
The above problems must be resolved before even considering other fish. I realize you are inheriting fish with the new tank, which is unfortunate, but perhaps workable.
Pictus Catfish again needs a group, more info here
but I am doubtful that this species and the loaches will be compatible.
Tiger Barbs must have a group and at least eight but preferably more. This species is aggressive by nature, but keeping it in larger groups usually avoids serious issues. But it must never be combined with sedate fish--which includes all cichlids--as this is only asking for trouble.
The convicts should be moved on their own, the smaller tank is a very temporary solution.
Hope this helps.