New Stocking A 15gal


May 8, 2012
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as all my neon except 1 have died in the last few weeks and my honey gourami had started attacking my 4 bronze corys and is in the naughty corner and getting rehomed soon casue everytime I let him out he starts nipping them within 5- 10 mins. so I was gonna up my corys to 5-6 and get 3 oto catfish and 10 cardinal tetras. the tank is quite heavily planted with anubais, big crypts and java fern and has a fluval u2 filter. and was just checking as aint been online here for a while now. so my stocking would over a few months 5-6 bronze corys, 3 oto catfish and 10 cardinal tetras, what you guys and gals think?

also it has been set up since april and is fully cycled with a 20% water change every week dosing carbon for my plants.
I would say that's too much.

Lose the otos and reduce the cardinals to 8, but this would still be pushing the stocking limits a little.
Your stocking is just fine. Cardinals and ottos are very small slender fish, and all though the cories will get to be the largest fish in the tank, they are by no means huge or messy.
Your stocking is just fine. Cardinals and ottos are very small slender fish, and all though the cories will get to be the largest fish in the tank, they are by no means huge or messy.
you're right about the corys as with the gourami in the breeder box I never really have to hover the sand to get rid of lots of poo, once a week and thats for the water change. and the dimension of my tank are 60 x 30 x 35

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