Fish Crazy
Hi there.
Just got a call from my local MA that the Roma 240 I ordered has now arrived. I can collect it at the weekend and get it set up and kick start the cycle with media from my existing 200L community tank, so that's all cool.
Now for the stocking. I'm keen to have angels in this one and as I already have corys and kuhlis in the 200L would rather like some zebra loaches in the new tank. Can any one suggest to me how many angels would be a good number for the 240 and what other fish I could have alongside the angels that they won't munch once they've grown. I do like the flash of colour that neons provide and in my Father in law's LFS they have a stunning set up with redmoor wood, java ferns, giant vallis with angels and neons and some beautiful huge sterbai corys and it's kind of my inspiration for this tank. What neon tetra shaped fish would work? I like idea of juxtaposing the triangle shape of the angels with something more sleek and bullet shaped so not really wanting the deep bodied, triangly shaped tetras for this project.
Thanks in advance for any advice given.
Just got a call from my local MA that the Roma 240 I ordered has now arrived. I can collect it at the weekend and get it set up and kick start the cycle with media from my existing 200L community tank, so that's all cool.
Now for the stocking. I'm keen to have angels in this one and as I already have corys and kuhlis in the 200L would rather like some zebra loaches in the new tank. Can any one suggest to me how many angels would be a good number for the 240 and what other fish I could have alongside the angels that they won't munch once they've grown. I do like the flash of colour that neons provide and in my Father in law's LFS they have a stunning set up with redmoor wood, java ferns, giant vallis with angels and neons and some beautiful huge sterbai corys and it's kind of my inspiration for this tank. What neon tetra shaped fish would work? I like idea of juxtaposing the triangle shape of the angels with something more sleek and bullet shaped so not really wanting the deep bodied, triangly shaped tetras for this project.
Thanks in advance for any advice given.