I'm not a beginner but I am replacing a glass tank.
I recently acquired a plexiglass 90 gal tank, 48x30x14. It was sitting in a covered garage and I don't know much of it's history. I currently have it outside full of water and it hasn't leaked yet. Should i reseal the seams? if so with what? I am going to fill it with RO water. If I use some of the water from my established tank will that reduce the time that I can put fish in it? The walls re made of 3/8 plexi and the back is 1/2". The front bulges a little from the weight but it seems normal. anything else I should do?
I recently acquired a plexiglass 90 gal tank, 48x30x14. It was sitting in a covered garage and I don't know much of it's history. I currently have it outside full of water and it hasn't leaked yet. Should i reseal the seams? if so with what? I am going to fill it with RO water. If I use some of the water from my established tank will that reduce the time that I can put fish in it? The walls re made of 3/8 plexi and the back is 1/2". The front bulges a little from the weight but it seems normal. anything else I should do?