New Plants


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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i decided to stock up on some new plants, since i will be upgrading soon.
my current flora is:
a lot of anachris(or horn wort, idk)
a lot of java moss
one anubias (unidentified)
1 amazon sword
1 rosette sword
1 jungle val
2 batches of wisteria
1 crypt wendtii
some dwarf hairgrass.

it is a planted substrate it is seachem florite (i think) and some gravel and sand
18 watt light (bad, but once i upgrade will be getting at least a 45 watt light so it will be at least 1.5 watts per gallon)
this is a 20 gallon long tank
1 dose 4ml of sechem flourish every tuesday, satday and thursday

so my questions are:
can anyone give me information on the plants in red?
what would you recommend the new light wattage for my 30 gallon long tank? (when i get it
can anyone identify this anubias:

it now has no algea, i trimmmed the roots, and it is attached to driftwood and is a lot brighter

and can anyone tell me if this is anacharis or hornwort (or something, and the care for it)

sorry for the bad picture

thank you for your time
for which ones? and you can click on it to get bigger pictures
picture has been removed :( use photo bucket to upload your pics its free and quick to use :D, also what plans do you have? i can try and id the anubias if i had a better pic, and lighting if i remember 2 wPG is for a high tech setup so for that amount of light you will need co2 and ferts :)

you say it has no algae now, have you managed to find a solution to the problem that caused algae? or just cut the algae infected stuff off
well i got 4 ghost shrimp, so i think that did the job :) what light wattage would you recommend for a 30 gallon?

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