Hi, I am lilyguppy. I have a 10 gallon with 5 guppies, tons of plastic plants, and two mini clay pots (caves). However, when I first purchased my fish, I didn't buy a heater, as it was blistering hot, so I thought they wouldn't need one. I also didn't buy a filter, as this was originally a science experiment to see which tank would go through the Nitrogen Cycle faster, a 5 gallon or a 10 gallon. (The speed was about the same, for all you curious folks) It is now winter and very cold, so yesterday I went out and bought a heater. I have had a filter for a while, but haven't been using it, as I am afraid the current will inhibit the fishes swimming abilities. I have a Cascade 170 filter that I got secondhand at a garage sale (the woman was getting a new filter), which I have soaked twice in hot water, with vinegar used once, for 24 hours each. My heater is a Tetra 100 watt, which I put in hot water and soaked for a few hours. (I got it new) I tested it in a 5 gallon bucket, and it works really well, keeping the bucket at a toasty 78 degrees Farenheit (it has automatic shutoff, and no temperture adjustment), but that it where the problem comes in. I am unsure if I should plop the heater right in the tank and let it warm up with the fish in it, or take them out, put it in, them re-acclimate them. The fish, if I took them out, would have to be in bags, as I haven't another tank to put them in. (not allowed by parents) Also, I have two Anubias Nana that I want to attach to the pots, but I don't know how to do this, and am getting mixed information. I think I should just toss the filter in, would this be the correct thing to do? Also, I do have bags, as I finished my experiment yesterday and transferred the fish in the 5 gallon over to the 10 gallon, and I'm happy to say the transfer was sucessful. So, if you can help me with my predicament, that would be great!