New Here, With A Few Questions


Mostly New Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi, I am lilyguppy. I have a 10 gallon with 5 guppies, tons of plastic plants, and two mini clay pots (caves). However, when I first purchased my fish, I didn't buy a heater, as it was blistering hot, so I thought they wouldn't need one. I also didn't buy a filter, as this was originally a science experiment to see which tank would go through the Nitrogen Cycle faster, a 5 gallon or a 10 gallon. (The speed was about the same, for all you curious folks) It is now winter and very cold, so yesterday I went out and bought a heater. I have had a filter for a while, but haven't been using it, as I am afraid the current will inhibit the fishes swimming abilities. I have a Cascade 170 filter that I got secondhand at a garage sale (the woman was getting a new filter), which I have soaked twice in hot water, with vinegar used once, for 24 hours each. My heater is a Tetra 100 watt, which I put in hot water and soaked for a few hours. (I got it new) I tested it in a 5 gallon bucket, and it works really well, keeping the bucket at a toasty 78 degrees Farenheit (it has automatic shutoff, and no temperture adjustment), but that it where the problem comes in. I am unsure if I should plop the heater right in the tank and let it warm up with the fish in it, or take them out, put it in, them re-acclimate them. The fish, if I took them out, would have to be in bags, as I haven't another tank to put them in. (not allowed by parents) Also, I have two Anubias Nana that I want to attach to the pots, but I don't know how to do this, and am getting mixed information. I think I should just toss the filter in, would this be the correct thing to do? Also, I do have bags, as I finished my experiment yesterday and transferred the fish in the 5 gallon over to the 10 gallon, and I'm happy to say the transfer was sucessful. So, if you can help me with my predicament, that would be great!
for your main tank use the 10 gallon.. bigger is better ha.
you'll need to cycle and mature your filter.. so you'll be doing a fish in cycle because you have guppies. (this site has all it just search it) oh and that filter wont be to strong for your fish, put it in the middle back of the tank and let it do its work.
with the heater, put the fish in the 5 gallon.. and do a 50% water change on the 10 gallon, leave the gravel, and good bacteria in there will help cycle the filter faster, make sure you treat the water before adding it in because chlorine will kill good bacteria and you'll just need to cycle all over again. also when cleaning the filter only use the water change water to clean it to not kill the good bacteria.. or you'll need to cycle it again. with the heater, put it in the 10 gallon.. turn it on with the filter and leave it until it have the temp where it should be. then drip the fish in. 
so with that 5 gallon you have. make sure more then half the tank is empty. use a bubblier tube, clip the one end to the 10 gallon (above the 5 gallon ex. 5 gallon on floor etc) then tie off the other end of the tube which will be in the 5 gallon, do a fast drip. when the 5 gallon fills up empty it half way again, and allow it to fill again.
now your 10 gallon will be half empty. watch the heater and filter are always in water... you can now use the water from the 5 gallon to put into the 10 gallon because it is to the temp and is treated.
with live plants you need proper lighting, current and nutrients. if you want the anubias to be on the pots, take the pots out of the water.. dry the pot off where you want the plant to be, dry a little area on the stem/ rhizome and super glue it onto the pot. allow it to dry for a few minutes and make sure that the leaves and rhizome stay wet and then put it back in the tank.
without current they won't do good.
quote my post if you have anymore questions.
Thanks for taking the time to answer me! Even though your answer was informative, I have more than a few more questions, but they are mainly simple, I think....
BerryAttack said:
with live plants you need proper lighting, current and nutrients. if you want the anubias to be on the pots, take the pots out of the water.. dry the pot off where you want the plant to be, dry a little area on the stem/ rhizome and super glue it onto the pot. allow it to dry for a few minutes and make sure that the leaves and rhizome stay wet and then put it back in the tank.
without current they won't do good.

Well, my filter is mechanical, so it won't 'cycle', but it does produce current. And superglue is okay to use in fish tanks? My life just became 10x  easier! I can buy root tabs in a few days (or whenever the roads clear up...), would that be helpful?

BerryAttack said:
you'll need to cycle and mature your filter.. so you'll be doing a fish in cycle because you have guppies. (this site has all it just search it) oh and that filter wont be to strong for your fish, put it in the middle back of the tank and let it do its work.
with the heater, put the fish in the 5 gallon.. and do a 50% water change on the 10 gallon, leave the gravel, and good bacteria in there will help cycle the filter faster, make sure you treat the water before adding it in because chlorine will kill good bacteria and you'll just need to cycle all over again. also when cleaning the filter only use the water change water to clean it to not kill the good bacteria.. or you'll need to cycle it again. with the heater, put it in the 10 gallon.. turn it on with the filter and leave it until it have the temp where it should be. then drip the fish in.

Also, my tank is fully cycled, and I test the water once a week with my API Master Freshwater Test Kit. (I've had this tank for about 4 months) I've heard some people say you can't cycle without a filter, but I did. And again, my filter is mechanical. Also, water changes are preformed weekly.
One more thing...
BerryAttack said:
for your main tank use the 10 gallon.. bigger is better ha.
you'll need to cycle and mature your filter.. so you'll be doing a fish in cycle because you have guppies. (this site has all it just search it) oh and that filter wont be to strong for your fish, put it in the middle back of the tank and let it do its work.
with the heater, put the fish in the 5 gallon...
I said I can't put the fish in the 5 gallon, it was a loan and I already drained it and it is going to be dropped off at the person I loaned it to ASAP.
Would it be possible to just put the filter and heater in? That would be ideal...
super glue is fine as long as you only use a small amount and let it dry. I've used it in my tanks and the plant isn't affect, neither are the fish.
then put the heater in with the fish, with the filter you can wrap a sponge around the intake and that can serve as your filter media to collect poop etc. just make sure that the sponge isn't to dense, test with it so you don't choke it and it'll be fine... and it'll also help to save fry if you breed.
All filters cycle, if its a filter with surface area, bacteria grows on it
OK, since no one objected to putting the heater straight in the tank, I'm going to transfer it from the bucket to the tank ASAP. I have to wait for the roads to clear up befiore I can go buy some sponge for the filter, so I'm waiting on that. I'll hopefully have warm and happy fish in a few hours!
I am having a few... issues with adding the heater. When I put it in the tank, my snakeskin orange guppy will sulk, alone, by the heater on the gravel and chase off any fish that come near it. However, I suspected the heater may have been part of the problem, as he had started this behavior when I put the heater in, so I took it out. Within two minutes, the snakeskin (named Cobra) was happily swimming around and hanging out with the other fish. I believe that he may have thought that the heater was an enemy, and was trying to protect the other fish from it? It wasn't plugged in, I wanted to solve the problem with him before I plugged it in. However, now I can't put the heater in the tank without having that problem. I think that I might have to disguise the heater before I can introduce it without any problems. Any suggestions? I was considering buying a leafy fake plant and cutting the leaves off, and I could use some sort of adhesive (I don't want to use superglue, as I may need to take the leaves off in the future) to stick the leaves to the heater, to disguise it. I really don't know why he was behaving like that towards the heater, any suggestions? Thanks!
Don't atatch anything to the heater. It is a hot element and could cause melting toxins to leech into your tank. Honestly, I would put the heater in and let him get used to it. With my bettas, they tried to defend the tank against their reflections for the first few days. It sounds to me like your guppy is having a bit of a territorial streak! Do you have a picture of your tank? I would just put the heater in and let him get over it. 
SamB said:
Honestly, I would put the heater in and let him get used to it.
Alright, thats what I'll do! This paticular guppy has always been a bit of a bully/troublemaker, and the other fish are sick of it. They are getting him to stopp chasing and nipping, but to do this they are chasing and nipping. I watched the tank for about 30 minutes yesterday, and saw some aggression, (chasing and nipping) but nothing serious. I'm content to let them work it out, unless things get too violent. My little territorial guy seems to have claimed a cave for himself, and the aggression has gone down considerably. The pot is right next to where I put the heater though, and I can't move it because I need the outlet close to that spot
. And I'll try to get a picture up ASAP.

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