New Guppy


New Member
Feb 16, 2012
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice about my guppies. I bought some new guppies for my tank and one of them is being harassed by my Endler guppy. The Endler guppy keeps following the guppy around and trying to peck it on its body, why is it doing that? Is it trying to bully the guppy? The other guppies are fine its just one Endler following one guppy constantly. Please help.
Is the endler a male & the new guppies female? If so then he's trying to mate with them
The guppy is a male not sure what the Endler is. Should I not be worried then?
Hi there.

Appreciate that this is my first post on this forum, but this is a subject that Lynda and I have had to deal with in the past.
Hopefully our method will help the OP.

What we do is to isolate the bully in our spare tank for about two weeks so the rest of the tank occupants settle down.
After that time, we reintroduce the bully to the tank and watch its behaviour. If it persists in its previous behaviour, then it's on a one way trip back to the LFS.
We have had this problem with zebra danios, platy's, german blue rams, a dwarf gourami and returned them all if they have not "behaved" upon reintroduction.

A community tank, as far as we are concerned, is one where all fish get along with each other - needless to say bullying is not allowed in our tank.

If you have got a spare tank you can put the endler in, then I suggest you give the method a try.

Now, I suppose I had better find the intro page and introduce ourselves!!!!


If by 'peck it's body' you mean around the anal area then it's breeding behavior, my guppy swarm are at it constantly. If you have all males in the tank they will still do this to one another, livebearers are just determined to reproduce! The behavior is normal, yes it may seem like aggression but likely isn't in livebearers, just keep an eye one the fish and provided it doesn't appear harmed in any way leave them be. Interfering will cause more harm than good.
Yes it's pecking near its anal. The guppy doesn't seem to care but because it's a new fish I don't want it to get bullied by an Endler which is tiny compared to the guppy. I thought I had all males in the tank.

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