New Fishkeeper


Mostly New Member
Apr 15, 2016
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Dear Fishkeeping Friends,
I'm not exactly new to fish keeping as I've had goldfish for some years now. But I've just bought a new tank to go next to my desk. I'm a writer and it's always much better to be doing something other than writing - like looking at fish! So, I have a very small (25 ltr) tank and am thinking that keeping a few very small tropical fish might be a good plan as goldfish require too much space. 
I'm hoping that someone here will have had success with a particular type of fish. Also, I live in north London so if anyone could suggest a reliable supplier that would also be good. 
Thanks in advance,
What are your water qualities? We need to know stuff like the pH, hardness, etc. Until then, we can't really help you with much.
Hi welcome

25l isn't a lot, maybe try just 1 species as most small tropical fish like the company of their own kind. There are loads of tetra species maybe something like that. Or maybe a betta tank, it's prefect for one male betta and a snail for the algae.

How long has it been up and running?
Has it been cycled?
Hi! I'm in the same position you are - I'm a writer myself and I have a desk 5 gallon tank.  There's only a betta and a snail in there, since there's not too much you can do with a small tank, but you can really spruce a tank up with decorations and plants.
Fropuf - Ph is 7.6. Sara and Alex - Yeah it's cycled. I reckon I'll take your advice and go for a male betta, a snail and then tart it up with some plants etc. I'm told that Crews Hill is the best place in London so that's where I'll be going at the weekend. Thank you.
What PPM of ammonia have you cycled with?
Cycling is always the hardest part ;). Anyway, there are some really pretty bettas out there. I really love halfmoons, they're so elegant.
if you mean ppm when I started it was just over 4 ppm. When the green gets to 4 with my kit it leaps up to 8 so it's difficult to be 100% accurate

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