Fish Fanatic
I acquired a 2nd tank from a friend a much bigger 115 litre one with stand etc, just had no fish or ornaments so I have been shopping
3 artificial plants and 1 large bridge for hiding places 
We now have along with my 2 molly fry in there my large ancistrus from my other tank, a pair of sword tails, a pair of mollies & 5 new male guppies
I have also transferred my male guppy from my smaller tank to this one as he was getting his tail nibbled by our japanese fighter.
Will try to get some piccies later for you if you'd like to see
We now have along with my 2 molly fry in there my large ancistrus from my other tank, a pair of sword tails, a pair of mollies & 5 new male guppies
Will try to get some piccies later for you if you'd like to see