New Fish Tank Needs Inspiration


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
Reaction score
Derbyshire, England
Hi, my name is Vyki and I am new to the forums.

I have a main tank that is fully stocked and thriving and seem to have the bug as I just had to have a second tank. I have one on it's way to me, smaller at approximately 188l with all the kit but I have no idea what to do with it! What would you do with it???

My main tank is a busy community tank with the following fish,
Black widow (skirt)
Tiger barbs
Ruby barbs
German rams
Bristlenose plecs
Albino corys
Peppered corys

I am a massive cory fan so would like to try some different ones and intend to have coloured silica but even that isn't definite

Inspire me please!
What about the Bronze Cory, the Panda Cory and the Peppered Cory, when you have cycled your new tank,a sand substrata would be great, you could just have a cory tank, that would be different.......
what about a shoal of danios? they stick together and stay at the surface of my tank - very entertaining!! also agreeable with the slightly cooler temps preferred by some corys.... im guessing with the gbrs/neons your existing tank is around 28C? so maybe aim cooler and have a different range of corys

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