New Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2012
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So my shiny new Betta tank is set up and my favourite betta has been reserved at my LFS. :good:


...But a few things first:

1) Does Mr Betta want salt in his tank?
2) What temperature would Sir like his tank to be?
3) Does he want tankmates in his 30 liter tank?

Oh, and I've named my betta Occo. He's so perrtyyyy. :lol:

1. He won't want any salt in there
2. Mid 20's will probably be fine for him
3. I'd suggest shrimp or a few male endlers personally, depending on his personality

Now all we need are pics ;)
No salt.

The tanks at around 23C is this okay?

Would river shrimp be okay? Or neon tetras?

Picutres to follow shortly. :good:
I'd be tempted to raise the temp a little personally to nearer 25, though it'd probably be fine.

Personally I wouldn't put neons in a tank that size. Not quite sure what river shrimp are, appologies. Maybe post in the invertebrates section?
Okay I'l raise up the temperature for him. :rolleyes:

There just normal freshwater river shrimp. Or would cherry shrimp work?
Occo :wub:
Pictures of the tank to follow aswell :nod:
Thanks :good:

I've just done a water test and he can come home tomorrow. Nirite and Ammonia are at 0 and Nitrate is at 25 ppm.
Life is goooodd :nod:
So my shiny new Betta tank is set up and my favourite betta has been reserved at my LFS. :good:


...But a few things first:

1) Does Mr Betta want salt in his tank?
2) What temperature would Sir like his tank to be?
3) Does he want tankmates in his 30 liter tank?

Oh, and I've named my betta Occo. He's so perrtyyyy. :lol:


i put a little bit of sea salt in the tank for my fish. i would keep the temp at 83f/28.3c
my bettas like to be alone. i do have one in a 10 gal with some ghost shrimp. he does kill them from time to time.
i dont think he enjoys their company but he tolerates them to some degree.

make sure you get a heater with thermostat. you can get seasalt at your grocery store. make sure it's just sea salt with no iodine or other additives.
My tanks bubbling away at 26oC today.

I bought some shrimp, but I think he has anger issues, they're all dead. :blink:

He came home yesterday, and he's doing really well. :good:

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