New Betta Tank Journal


New Member
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Northumberland, England
Hi, so after having decided we needed to add a Betta to our long list of pets.... This is the Betta tank journal...

I'm using the Biorb we already had.... image.jpg

It already had the not so Betta friendly ceramic in I've taken it out and replaced it with silver sand, rinsed to smithereens!

Keep watching, I'm setting up as we speak :)

So now I've added my cycled filter, sand and plants and a bit of the water that was in the holding tank.... Loving the cloudy water look! NOT.

Have added my water conditioner and I'm moving the tank to its final position.... :D

There's a mixture of silk and real plants in there, but I finally went for an Anubias barteri and a Lilaeopsis brasiliensis as they looked nice for him to hide in and rest on...they're both quite slow growing so not going to require too much attention.....


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Looking forward to see the end if this. What filter are you using?

Is this your first tank?
Good luck :)
It's my first Betta tank, but I have a huge saltwater brackish tank already. The biorb comes with a filter which is made up of layers of carbon, blue plastic filter sponge and then a finer white (well it used to be white) sponge on top, the filter is fully cycled and in the old tank water that I've put in.

How long after I add the sand and plants can I introduce the fish? The water was really cloudy but its starting to become less so...

My new Betta is currently hanging out in a massive 7 gallon mixing bowl with a heater plonked in and a spare plant as well as some IAL. he can't go into my holding tank as I've just put a load of guppies in there for my friend down the road whose had a power cut!! He seems pretty happy...

Here's the water at the minute...


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From the salty tank or a fresh one?
If the media is all from a already established freshwater tank it should be ready right away.

Is the filter a Hangon, internal or...?
Internal filter.... All established already, just didn't want to damage the fish with bits of sand in gills his etc? Is this even a possible problem?
When it settles it will be good to go. Was the established media from the salty tank?
No, long story short..... I'd filled the tank with water and cycled it fishlessly until I had to rescue a WCMM called Keith four weeks in, it's now been 8 weeks, Keith is the hardiest fish I've ever met and ready to be rehomed into a nice big tank and my Betta tank has a nice cycled filter :)
Ok, so today my water has cleared of sand and my plants look ok where I've put them. My bubble tube is kicking out some mighty current so I've clamped it...image.jpg
Here's my finished tank, well for tonight anyway.... Am thinking about adding a shrimp or snail to it later but for now, it's just my new Betta, pixies of him to follow....

What do you think?


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That's a nice one! What's that plant at the front? That tank looks better than mine IMO.
Any pics of the betta?
that spiky looking one is a cheapy silk one off ebay :D the darker green one on the left is an Anubias... I'm working on pics of my unnamed betta!  he's still exploring (aka hiding in the undergrowth...)
Here's my new boy! No name yet... So am calling him 'fish'... Any ideas for a name?


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He is lovely! Such a vibrant colour. I like Scarlet too lol. 

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