New Member
Hi, so after having decided we needed to add a Betta to our long list of pets.... This is the Betta tank journal...
I'm using the Biorb we already had....
It already had the not so Betta friendly ceramic in there....so I've taken it out and replaced it with silver sand, rinsed to smithereens!
Keep watching, I'm setting up as we speak
So now I've added my cycled filter, sand and plants and a bit of the water that was in the holding tank.... Loving the cloudy water look! NOT.
Have added my water conditioner and I'm moving the tank to its final position....
There's a mixture of silk and real plants in there, but I finally went for an Anubias barteri and a Lilaeopsis brasiliensis as they looked nice for him to hide in and rest on...they're both quite slow growing so not going to require too much attention.....
I'm using the Biorb we already had....

It already had the not so Betta friendly ceramic in there....so I've taken it out and replaced it with silver sand, rinsed to smithereens!
Keep watching, I'm setting up as we speak
So now I've added my cycled filter, sand and plants and a bit of the water that was in the holding tank.... Loving the cloudy water look! NOT.
Have added my water conditioner and I'm moving the tank to its final position....
There's a mixture of silk and real plants in there, but I finally went for an Anubias barteri and a Lilaeopsis brasiliensis as they looked nice for him to hide in and rest on...they're both quite slow growing so not going to require too much attention.....